by Jeremiah Ray
Jeremiah Ray
Digital Art - Digital Painting
The original self-portraits (see "portraits" gallery), done entirely with pen and ink, are an ongoing series initially started after my cancer diagnosis in 2016. The pen and ink portraits were composed during the long hours at the treatment clinic, and lengthy inpatient stays. These works became increasingly crucial to understanding my emotional and psychological state that elude words even to this day. During treatment, my body remained strong regardless of whatever brutal circumstances I found myself in. My heart and mind, on the other hand, were always teetering. As I have done my entire life, I anchored myself to art, specifically these self-portraits. I did so to understand and come to terms with my experiences. However, the pen and ink drawings are evolving, growing, and shifting as I do. I am adding new layers, digitally editing, and building colorful stories to create different, supplemental layers upon the narrative each one already tells. The story is still evident in each portrait, but now, the bright patterns and vivid textures speak to the Jeremiah of the present day. The foundational elements of this body of work will forever be present. They hold my history – each line and mark represents both a place of struggle and thus growth. As individual pieces of art, they too must grow. In moving forward with digital manipulation, layering, collaging, etc. I am giving them the chance to do just this. They are growing, and so too am I.
May 20th, 2022